Nutsche Filter Manufacturer

We are manufacturer of efficient Nutsche Filters for liquid / solid separation in a completely non-metallic environment. The entire unit is mounted on four legs with castor wheel for easy mobility. Our Nutsche Filter provides superior corrosion resistance and permits the handling of virtually all acids and salts at a very high temperature. The filter surface eliminates contamination to increase product purity and allows an easy, fast and thorough cleaning.
The Nustche Filter consists of a cylindrical shell with top dished and a welded flat perforated bottom plate which is stiffened by supports welded under. The base plate is having arrangement of bolting ring to hold the filter cloth or can be adapted to have a sintered SS regenerable filter media welded to the perforated plate. Suitable nozzles are provided including Manhole and Side discharge nozzle.
For smaller diameters the filter media arrangement can be installed in a removable basket for transportation of the accumulated solids to downstream processing areas. Suitable portable mechanized lifting arrangement for loaded basket removal and conveyance has been provided as well.
1. Volumes ranging from 10 Its to 5000 liters
2. All Nustche filters are as per ASME standard codes for full vacuum and pressures High purity design, various pharmaceutical grade finishes including electro-polishing, mirror, matt and dull finish. Optional jacketing for heating / cooling or electric heaters.
3. Easy clamping of filter media
4. Easy perforated plate arrangement.
5. Body flange model available for easy cleaning and change over material.
6. Castor wheels available for easy mobility.
Industry We Serve
Chemical Industry Equipment Herbal Industry Equipment
Pesticides & Insecticides Industry Equipment
Food Processing Industry Equipment
Paint Manufacturing Industry Equipment
Phenol Formaldehyde Resin Industry Equipments
Starch Industry Equipments
Dyes Industry Equipments
Polymer Industry Equipments
Oil Plants Equipments
Phosphates Industry Equipments
Food and Edible Oil Industry Equipments
Detergents Industry Equipments